RSV Vaccine

Our clinics are now open for booking for the RSV vaccine. RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a respiratory virus, which is a common cause of coughs and colds. It can cause complications and be much more serious in older adults and young babies though, with thousands of hospitalisations and deaths in older adults each year. In babies it can develop into Bronchiolitis causing serious illness and thousands of babies needing hospital care.
We are inviting the following groups for the new RSV vaccine, which has been very effective in trials in preventing serious illness from RSV:
> Older adults aged 75-79
>Pregnant women from week 28 of pregnancy onwards
>Those turning 75 later can ask for a vaccine after their 75th Birthday
To book in to one of our clinics, please use your booking link if you have received a text invite, or call the surgery on 0151 334 4019.

For more information about RSV and the RSV vaccine, click the link: